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Testing, Testing 123: Phlebotomy Basics

When my mother underwent chemotherapy, we spent a lot of time visiting the phlebotomy lab for blood testing. I was always impressed by how easily the phlebotomist was able to find and puncture a vein to draw blood on the first try. I knew there had to be a method to it, and was astounded by how effortless and painless they made the process. It led me to research a lot about blood tests, from drawing to the actual screening. I've created this site to share what I've learned in the hopes of teaching others. The more you understand, the more control you can have over your own health care.


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Testing, Testing 123: Phlebotomy Basics

Alternative And Complementary Treatment Options For Crohn's Disease

by Francisco Arnold

If you have recently learned that you are suffering from Crohn's disease, you might find yourself relieved to finally know what has been causing you so many digestive issues. However, you might also be wondering about what you can do about it. Many doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to help manage Crohn's symptoms, which may be what your doctor is recommending. But, there are also alternative and complementary treatment options you may want to consider when you are struggling with this painful and frustrating intestinal condition. 

Eating Prebiotic Foods

One of the ways that you can treat and manage your Crohn's disease is to eat foods that are known as prebiotics. Prebiotics are foods that help to feed the naturally-occurring bacteria in your stomach. These bacteria aid in digestion and keep your whole system moving and processing. Prebiotic foods to incorporate into your diet include garlic, honey, onions, and bananas. And if you aren't a fan of garlic, for example, you can take a garlic supplement to avoid having to taste it as much. 

Considering Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana can be used for treating Crohn's disease as well. When it comes to using medical marijuana for Crohn's, it is important to keep in mind that medical marijuana does not have a direct impact on inflammation. However, medical marijuana is great for those symptoms that affect your daily life. Medical marijuana can have an analgesic (pain-relieving) effect. Pain relief can, in turn, improve your overall quality of life, allowing you to participate in activities you might not otherwise be able to. 

Similarly, medical marijuana can reduce nausea and increase appetite. Both of these symptoms can have a major impact on your health and the way you navigate the world in daily life. 

Taking Fish Oil

Getting enough omega-3 fatty acids is an important part of healthy digestion. However, many people do not get enough of these fatty acids in their daily diet to get the full benefits of them. Taking a fish oil supplement can help to ensure you get those omega-3 fatty acids into your daily diet. You can also increase your fish intake, particularly fishes like mackerel and salmon. While you may worry about adding fat into your diet, the omega-3s in fish are very healthy for not only digestion but also for heart health. If fish is just repulsive to you, you can also get omega-3s from flax seeds and oil, walnuts, and chia seeds.

With these alternative and complementary treatment options in mind for your Crohn's disease, you can work with your care team to come up with a combination of treatments that can help you to best manage your digestive health going forward. Contact your local medical marijuana doctor to learn more. 
