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Testing, Testing 123: Phlebotomy Basics

When my mother underwent chemotherapy, we spent a lot of time visiting the phlebotomy lab for blood testing. I was always impressed by how easily the phlebotomist was able to find and puncture a vein to draw blood on the first try. I knew there had to be a method to it, and was astounded by how effortless and painless they made the process. It led me to research a lot about blood tests, from drawing to the actual screening. I've created this site to share what I've learned in the hopes of teaching others. The more you understand, the more control you can have over your own health care.


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Testing, Testing 123: Phlebotomy Basics

The 411 On Calluses

by Francisco Arnold

Your feet are important parts of your health, wellness, and ability to move. Unfortunately, most people take their feet for granted until they are no longer able to use them properly. Although some are more painful and problematic than others, calluses are an issue that can affect the health and function of your feet. Calluses are actually quite common, but most people do not realize the impact they can have. This guide will help you understand the causes and treatment options for calluses.

The 411 on Calluses

Before you can understand what causes calluses, you need to understand what they exactly are.

Characterized as hard patches of skin that build up in layers against areas that have experienced friction and pressure, calluses are easy to see and feel. They are most common on the feet, mainly around the toes and heels, but they can also form on the sole of the feet, the hands, and even the elbows.

Determining the cause of a calluses is a bit difficult. Like previously mentioned, they form as the foot's attempt to protect itself from further pressure and friction. Therefore, a callus may form on your feet in an area that is experiencing friction from shoes that are too tight or if a toe has rubbed excessively on a shoe while walking or running.

Treating Calluses

It is important to note that calluses are not life-threatening issues, but they can threaten your quality of life. If you have large calluses or multiple calluses on your feet, you may not be able to wear certain shoes. You may also struggle to walk or run without pain or discomfort.

If the hard skin starts to peel, there is a chance of the underlying tissue become inflamed and even infected. This can cause further pain and immobility issues. Even if they seem minor, calluses should be treated quickly.

Make sure to wash and dry your feet properly when you have one or more calluses. Use a soft-bristled brush or washcloth to remove excess skin from on or around the calluses, too. After drying, moisture your feet to reduce the risk of dry skin and excessive amounts of dead skin cells.

Use a pumice stone to scrub away dead skin and hard layers of skin periodically, as well.

You can also reduce your risk of developing calluses and further calluses by wearing properly-fitting socks and shoes and placing any callus pads on areas that do experience friction. Contact a podiatrist for more help.
