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Testing, Testing 123: Phlebotomy Basics

When my mother underwent chemotherapy, we spent a lot of time visiting the phlebotomy lab for blood testing. I was always impressed by how easily the phlebotomist was able to find and puncture a vein to draw blood on the first try. I knew there had to be a method to it, and was astounded by how effortless and painless they made the process. It led me to research a lot about blood tests, from drawing to the actual screening. I've created this site to share what I've learned in the hopes of teaching others. The more you understand, the more control you can have over your own health care.


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Testing, Testing 123: Phlebotomy Basics

How Hearing Aids May Help Struggling Teachers

by Francisco Arnold

Success as a teacher often centers around connecting with students as people and working directly with them to improve their understanding of various lessons. Poor hearing may impact a teacher's ability to perform their role, requiring getting fit with a hearing aid to avoid any long-term career issues.

Hearing Loss May Impact Many Teaching Careers

Teachers rely on all their senses to do a great job connecting with and educating students. However, a decrease in their hearing acuity could cause many troubles that make their career harder. Just a few issues that may impact them include problems like:

  • Muddled speech that makes it hard to understand what children are saying
  • Difficulty having conversations with students during standard class sessions
  • Trouble understanding and communicating with parents over the phone or during online meetings
  • Enunciation issues caused by poor hearing that may confuse students
  • Potentially teaching students improper pronunciation due to enunciation concerns

These problems usually won't get better until teachers take the time to assess and treat their hearing loss properly. Thankfully, hearing aids may help provide many benefits for teachers and tackle these problems effectively, thereby minimizing their risk of career complications and providing teachers and students with a better overall experience together.

Ways a Hearing Aid Helps

Hearing aids help amplify or correct hearing troubles and can minimize many of these problems for a teacher. In addition, when properly fit and carefully balanced, they can handle many of the concerns that could affect a teacher specifically, including:

  • Improving their ability to hear students when working one-on-one
  • Minimizing confusion and excess noise when the class gets loud
  • Preventing feedback and unnecessary interference when talking with parents on the phone
  • Enhancing enunciation by making it easier for a teacher to hear what they're saying
  • Reducing misunderstandings between teachers and students and improving the learning experience

Teachers may need to adjust their hearing aid, as required, to minimize any potential problems. For instance, they may increase the volume when working with a student personally, as they may want to catch everything they say. They can then turn down the volume when working in a classroom setting.

Thankfully, hearing aids typically get covered by health insurance, as they're usually considered a vitally important treatment option. Therefore, teachers struggling to hear their students should seriously consider getting fitted for a hearing aid right away to avoid serious career problems and other issues.

Reach out to a local audiologist and hearing aid professional to learn more.
